A friend once told me that writing is therapeutic, and I completely believe it.
Some people choose to paint, others love to dance their pain away, or drink it. lately; I have discovered that regardless of my creativity and my determination to accomplish whatever I need to vent in life, writing will always remain my form of therapy.I taught myself many things, to have a creative outlet, to not feel bored, to feel accomplished within my day. While doing that I have lost many people and gained many others along the way. And the ones that truly planned to stay, have stayed.
In this life, I have finally realized that people sometimes are attracted to you for a single purpose, your energy brings you together for a moment, for a month, for a year in a way that may be incomprehensible but they are a distraction from the important people in your life or a solution to a problem you may be facing at that time in your life and if they choose to leave, I have to take it with a grain of salt.
Being an empathetic person someones pain is always attractive to me, affecting my energy sometimes to the point of forgetting that I am sometimes in pain too, which lead me to many dark holes when I am younger, trying to be there for whoever needed me. Not for whoever is there when I needed them.
Because whatever is meant to be will be, and eventually you realize that the world doesn’t revolve around one person or the other, in fact, I know now that my world revolves around me, while yours revolves around you. Everyone’s world revolves around them alone.
I now have promised to be there for the people that were there for me when I needed them the most, An eye for an eye, an empath for an empath, a lover for a lover, a friend to a friend, a brother to a brother. Because that’s the way our energies would collide. if we share it not consume it.
I can’t fix my world if I am breaking, and you won’t be able too either, and for that I have no regrets and you should not either. Let our energies collide as we share hope, love and success. Because hurt people, just hurt people.