There is yourself, and there is everybody else. You either exist primarily for yourself, or for everybody else. Before tragedy, adversity or failure the pain you need to go to the next level is not available to you. The next level is positivity.
You take your pain and you turn it into something positive.
Pain is a wake-up call. Pain is a message that goes beyond you. Pain is an opportunity to take a story you’ve lived and make it something beautiful for a stranger.
What does this positivity look like?
You could become a breakdancer and make people smile with your moves.
You could make videos with funny moments in them to take people away from their current issues associated with the recession and health crisis.
You could make art that brings a smile to children.
You could take on an extreme fitness goal to show people what the human body is capable of.
You could write words on the internet with the intention to inspire.
If everybody took their pain and turned it into positivity, we would have less suicide, less financial ruin, less hate, less negativity and more people experiencing what it is to live.
You can choose. The decision is yours to make. So what do you decide?