It took me a long time to stand up for myself and step out of the illusion of family/ cultural expectations that used to weigh me down in my mind. Still, it is a journey that many needs do not dare yet to take. Therefore, they hate.
Yet, today I am free to be me.
I am happier, more grateful to be alive, more realistic, and unapologetic when it comes to my values and principles as a person now. I no longer can see things I do not accept and be quiet when I know it’s not right. And I cannot sweep my opinion or ideas under the rug and smile. If I see what I don’t accept, I will point and make sure everyone sees it too, and if I hear what I don’t get, I will scream my disagreement and make sure everyone knows it too.
I am not sure if it is wisdom that comes with age or that the world around me has forced me to be this way- or maybe it’s working at an expo and the experience of interacting with the brightest of minds from all over the world, aligned with me when it comes to our values and views. And maybe that was why I was there, it allowed me to think that perhaps I am a bright mind too.
That experience truly opened my eyes and made me proud of who I am. How I think, and the value of my creativity and philosophy. Before that, I was always unsure if I was doing the right thing.
Now I never accept doing other than what’s suitable for me. No one got any place without making someone uncomfortable. I am sure women will know exactly what I am talking about because you endured that struggle too.
But, I know now that I should never give up and, just like you, stand my ground and ensure that no matter what happens.
If I believe in something, I have to fight for it because no one should be allowed to tell me I am wrong. When I am here, and that is the most significant sign of his to me that I’m right. I am a bright mind too, but only when I am free to be me.