Immediately, any person I say these words to opens their eyes, lifts up their brows and drop their jaws with a state of shock!

Latest of them being a business meeting, that turned to a profound conversation about passion, entrepreneurship, growth and happiness.
I said: “I am happy I chose to be muslim”..
Yes, I was.
But I wasn’t happy being Muslim. I did not really truly understand Islam. I was happy as me. And, I am not a religious expert, and of course to each his own. But at least I can truly say I know what being Muslim means to me. Because, truly I was born human. Then chose to be a Muslim. Islam, is a huge brand, with a guideline, and a face of the brand.
So one of the biggest reasons I live the way I live and am happy today – is because, after being so unhappy for a long time. I gladly choose to be Muslim. Not just be born one.
Like the other Abrahamic religions before it, people would kill for the name of it. Sadly, this counteracts the fundamental nature rooted in its name, Islam, or in English peace.
Then I continued, this choice amongst two others I believe are the reason why I sleep and wake up knowing that if I die at this moment.
I am happy I lived and died in peace.
It’s saddens me that many people pray, fast and are sadly not at peace within themselves. Think and truly taught me that being Muslim teaches them to tell me to be, or invalidate anyone not the same as me.
During my thought process of religion. Even though I knew that, Islam is a great religion. It meant so many things that were basic humanity to me. So when I chose it as my religion.
And if I live longer, i will be happy living because I’m doing what I love, and is in line with my values, and of benefit not just to me, but my community, and everyone.
It is because Islam is based on a set of core values and principles that are meant to guide the behavior and actions of humans. Yes prayer, ramadan; religious holidays and worship is important. They are brand promotion events. And promotion is to make the product accessible, test and imitate or enter a new market segment. A promotion is not meant to force a product down your throat.
But all of these things came in service of teaching us the values of islam. So that the product is a Muslim human. I don’t mean around me geographically, but around me entirely in the world.
The most damaging factor to any brand is always, counterfeit products. They come with low quality, sweatshop production, and short-lived value, and humans devalue a whole brand when counterfeit is available in abundance that the original brand goes bankrupt making the original product, rare, mythical or unavailable. Some aggressors truly believe they are Muslim, but an aggressor is nothing other than a knock off. An example of a counterfeit product from a brand.
A Muslim embodies and is connected to all. Not some of the brand values. And the brand values are clear. And if a product goes awry of one value; or errs, doesn’t mean that it can’t be fixed. Just follow the guideline of the brand principles:
- Monotheism (Tawhid): Islam is based on believing in one God, Allah, the creator and sustainer of the universe.
- Justice (Adl): Islam places a strong emphasis on justice, and Muslims are encouraged to act justly and to seek justice for all.
- Compassion (Rahma): Muslims are encouraged to show compassion and kindness to all people, and to be mindful of the needs of the less fortunate.
- Mercy (Rahman): Islam teaches that Allah is a merciful and compassionate God, and that Muslims should strive to emulate this quality in their own lives.
- Equality (Mudawana): Islam teaches that all human beings are equal in the eyes of Allah, regardless of race, gender, or social status.
- Patience (Sabr): Muslims are encouraged to be patient in the face of adversity and to trust in Allah’s plan for their lives.
- Gratitude (Shukr): Islam teaches that Muslims should be grateful for the blessings they have in their lives, and to express this gratitude through acts of worship and service to others.
- Humility (Tawadhu): Islam encourages Muslims to be humble and to avoid arrogance and pride.
- Forgiveness (Maghfirah): Muslims are encouraged to forgive those who have wronged them, and to seek forgiveness from Allah for their own mistakes.
- Trust in Allah (Tawakkul): Islam teaches that Muslims should trust in Allah and have faith that He will guide them and provide for them.
I’m glad, because these 10 values are practiced in my life and in everything I do. Yet unfortunately, myself, and I’m sure many others were taught that being Muslim was to pray 5 times a day, and fast for the month of Ramadan, go to umra and Hajj and be an obedient son and live in the fear of God. I was a product, unaware of the holding brand.
And before choosing to be muslim, I had no idea that Islam is not just reading or understanding the brand guideline, the Quran. It’s applying it’s lifestyle teachings to your life. Embodying peace so that you are the product, a Muslim. And each of the stories in Quran, is related to one of the values of Islam. Because nothing connects and teaches you to be the product of a brand, or in other words consumer as powerful as storytelling.
Only when I knew myself entirely; I knew what the word peace within oneself meant, and what love truly means. I want you to work with me in eradicating the idea of being taught how to be that forces you to not be. Because, truly if you just be you, embrace peace within you, and aim for these values the world around you will immediately fall in love with you, and will make sure they do anything to support you. Like Muslims did upon meeting prophet Mohammed, they did not become Muslim because he asked them to be, or forced them to be. They loved him way too much to not be.
Now, stop before you think prophet Mohammed ever had any of these values ever crossed. I dare you to bring me an example. The word Quran truly means the read to be understood. And Islam unlike Christianity. Which is derived from christening, or Judaism because of the followers of judas. Yet, Islam is not called MOHAMMADISIM, or ARABISIM,
Yet it came to Mohammed, and in Arabic so the Arabs truly right their unrighteous ways. Welcoming them to the birth of human rights. Islam. Asking them to read these stories in the book of Quran: “The book read to be understood – and clearly says it’s for you to understand and live all of the values, knowing your human and may err. So if you err, read and understand again.
I believe that is what is called, prototyping?
As an Arab, I pray to god for peace to enlighten and lead my way in every step. As a human I err, but the more Muslim I am, the more human I know I am. The more human I am, the more truly loved by god I am. The more gifts of success, recognition and peace I’ve had, in love with myself, god and the world I am.
I am so happy writing this because what started as a business coffee meeting, ended with an emotional bond of trust I have not yet had with any of my male siblings. And we share DNA, not just coffee. Because the man i was meeting kindly said, you are absolutely right. Because before I also started seeing the errors of myself I considered love as a shameful thing. Now I know I was wrong, I’m thankful for all the love and support I have everyday from everyone and everything. I’m thankful I also chose to be muslim, and stopped being truly an aggressor. Wrongfly thinking that by my aggressions I am Muslim.
I am incredibly appreciative today happened.
Because businesses are built on transactions, but dreams are achieved with a loving trust. And if you ever ask me how I felt today. I will simply say. I fell in love with a man today; and I will forever be. Because there is no stronger connection to any brand more than storytelling.
Go to the library, and if you prove me wrong.
I will worship you.